Wir testen das Format des Online Lesekreis und widmen uns der Akademikerin, Autorin, Aktivistin und Filmemacherin bell hooks und ihren Texten im Sinne eines gemeinsamen Lernens. Wir lesen, diskutieren und teilen Perspektiven!
bell hooks: Teaching to Transgress. Education as the Practice of Freedom. New York: Routledge. 1994
“As a classroom community, our capacity to generate excitement is deeply affected by our interest in one another, in hearing one another’s voices, in recognising one another’s presence.”
Wir wollen den Lesekreis als gemeinsamen Raum für transdisziplinären feministischen Austausch weiterführen und stellen uns im Rahmen des Claiming*Spaces Festivals außerdem den Fragen: Wie gestalten wir einen Lesekreis und welchen Texten wollen wir uns in Zukunft widmen?
“The classroom remains the most radical space of possibility in the academy”
15.01.2021, 5pm – 7pm
05.03.2021, 5pm – 7pm
Originaltext in English, Diskussion auf Deutsch und English
Information, Registrierung, Download-Link: marlene.wagner@tuwien.ac.at
We test the format of the online reading group and dedicate ourselves to the educator, academic, writer, activist and filmmaker bell hooks and her texts as collective learning. We read, discuss and share perspectives!
In the frame of the Claiming* Spaces Festival we will further tackle questions on how to design an open, trans-disciplinary and feminist reading-group and which texts we want to take a closer look at in future.
(original text in English, conversation in German and English)
information, registration, download-link: marlene.wagner@tuwien.ac.at

„Teaching is a performative act. And it is that aspect of our work that offers the space for change, invention, spontaneous shifts, that can serve as a catalyst drawing out the unique elements in each classroom. To embrace the performative aspect of teaching are compelled to engage ´audiences´, to consider issues of reciprocity. Teachers are not performers in the traditional sense of the word in that our work is not meant to be a spectacle. Yet it is meant to serve as a catalyst that calls everyone to become more and more engaged, to become active participants in learning.“
Reflexionen zum Lesekreis unter context>quote.
SAVEing SPACES Whiteboard: >link